Saturday, March 24, 2007

Aproptiate response?

After our last discussion I keep thinking what is the burden between alarming and response to a threat. Of course Public health system does not want to create panic, but we want to give a prompt response. What would happened with SARS if we did not response in the way we body knows, but experts said the action taken where appropriate. How we prepare for a pandemic? how sensitive should be the surveillance system? I assume we can use the popular fraze, It is better prevent than cure.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Technology innovations

What happened with the promotion of certain technology innovations that are not reaching the whole society?In the video that we saw last class there where a lot of things that where very innovative and interesting but, are they for everyone that wont to use it? How we can subsidize them so everyone can benefit. What do you think about a subsidy from the users of this technology or form the manufacturers or even in some cases from the government to make them more accessible.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Technology and regulations.

Innovations are good thing if we use it to achieve better health outcomes. Last class I learn that the agency in charge of the regulations will not focus in the economic aspect of the new technology just in the efficacy and the security of the new innovations. But up to what extend the raising in the health cost that we are experience is because of excessive use of expensive technologies. I can imagine that there is a link between those.
One possible suggestion is that they made recommendations for the use of the new technologies.
For example the American Academy of pediatrics does this and for the consumer is very useful. Sometimes decide without advice could be very difficult, specially when something so important as health is involved.And as public health professionals we wont people to be informed by neutrals players as much as possible, if they do not made recommendations there will be others that will take this role,with the potential risk of having economic interests involved.